Sars Cov2 Rna Lab Test

Human Listeria antibody IgG(LAb IgG) ELISA Kit

EIA06826h each
EUR 430

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the sars cov2 rna lab test reagents distributed by Genprice. The Sars Cov2 Rna Lab Test reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact SARS Test. Other Sars products are available in stock. Specificity: Sars Category: Cov2 Group: Rna Lab

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(N) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 400.4

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(N) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 2717

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(N) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 572

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(S) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 400.4

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(S) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 2717

Human anti-SARS-CoV2(S) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 572

Human anti-SARS-CoV2 (S) IgG ELISA Kit

EUR 3900

Rna Lab information

SARS CoV2 Spike S1 Antibody (Clone: ABM4A10.1D3)(239-257aa)

MBS669599-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 445

SARS CoV2 Spike S1 Antibody (Clone: ABM4A10.1D3)(239-257aa)

MBS669599-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1990

SARS COV2 Spike protein S Recombinant-Fc (AVI tag)

MBS553732-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 490

SARS COV2 Spike protein S Recombinant-Fc (AVI tag)

MBS553732-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 1570

COVID- 19 RNA Test, Self-testing CE, 1 test/pack

U20252 test Ask for price


0571-001 100 ug
EUR 493.75
Description: SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain

anti- SARS antibody

FNab07609 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against SARS

SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test

INCP-502H 25 Tests
EUR 8.75

SARS-CoV2 N Protein

0572-001 100 ug
EUR 493.75
Description: SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid protein

SARS-CoV2-N Antibody

E10-10032-1 N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-CoV2-N Antibody

E10-10032-2 N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP3 Antibody

E10-31927P N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP3 Antibody

E10-31928P N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP3 Antibody

E10-31929 100 μl
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP2 Antibody

E10-31942P N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP2 Antibody

E10-31943P N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A

SARS-Cov2-NP1 Antibody

E10-31963P N/A
EUR 276.5
Description: N/A